Ahmedabad civic body struggles to deal with RDF stockpile

Picture Credit: by D-Kuru, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6187400

The Ahmedabad civic body has invited bids from private players to design, finance, set up and operate a facility to process upto 3000tpd of RDF fraction in the legacy waste at Pirana landfill. The contract is valid for a period of five years. The AMC reportedly has a large stockpile of segregated plastic, textile and wood materials as there are no takers.

In the past, the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) has entered agreements with companies such as Selco, A2Z, Hanjer Biotech, Abellon Clean Energy Ltd and Creative for preparing RDF from waste. However, these were closed due to the costs involved and low calorific value of the city’s mixed waste, according to The Times of India.

In 2018, Abellon Clean Energy Ltd entered an agreement with AMC to set up a plant to generate 14.9MW of power using RDF pellets as fuel. The plant is ready but yet to start operations.

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