Picture credit: by Couleur from Pixabay
Ambala’s Cantonment area has a new solid waste management plant. The new plant was inaugurated at a cost of about Rs 70 lakh during the weekend.
The plant has been set up based on zero waste technology. Manure from green waste and plastic and other solid wastes will be used for making cement, with a capacity to process about 5 tonnes of garbage per day. Apart from this, stones and other materials coming out of it will be used in the construction of roads and buildings, reports The Times of India.
Cantonment Board Ambala vice-president Ajay Baweja said, “The plant has been established at the cost of Rs 70 lakh and it was inaugurated by the Army officials. Of Rs 70 lakh, about Rs 54 lakh has been spent by the Army and Rs 16 by the cantonment board. Presently, the garbage output of the cantonment board area per day is about 18 tonne per day and the plant has been set up with the capacity of processing 5 tonne per day. If this remains successful, the capacity would be increased in the coming time.”
Picture Credit: Image by Couleur from Pixabay