With the theme of ‘Moving Towards a Circular Economy Through Innovative 3R approaches’, the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is organizing the 7th edition of its Conference on Waste to Worth on November 30, 2022 at Hotel Lalit, New Delhi in partnership with the Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor, GoI and Norway as a Partner Country for the event.
The day-long conference will deliberate on five technical sessions including Best Practices & Innovative Approaches for Sustainable Waste Management- India & Abroad, Augmenting India’s Plastic Waste Value Chain with EPR, E-waste Management in India: Circular Economy, Making Refuse Derived Fuel from MSW market sustainable, and Understanding Solid Waste Management- Policy, Prospects, and Problems.
The first session of the day will be chaired by Dr. Monoranjan Mohanty, Mission Director, The Office of PSA, GoI wherein Indian and Norwegian companies will share existing waste management systems across the country to address the issues of management of waste in a holistic way and suggest best possible technological solutions to mitigate the waste problem in India.
The second session of the day will be chaired by Mr. Saurabh Shah, Managing Director, Landbell Green Forest Solutions. It will focus on challenges in compliance with the new EPR rules and portal from the perspective of PIBOs and PWPs, the preparedness of the stakeholders to minimum targets of recycling and use of recycled content, ensuring transparency of EPR execution in India, opportunities for increasing capacity for plastic recycling in India, and understanding the international perspective on EPR and plastic waste management & recycling.
Ms. Deepali Sinha, Managing Director, Sofies Sustainability Leaders Pvt Ltd will moderate the third session of the day. The session would focus on regulations, challenges, opportunities, EPR & EPR compliance, challenges in the industry in compliance with the new EPR rules, preparedness of stakeholders to minimum targets of recycling, ensuring transparency of EPR execution in India, new business opportunities; new practices, circular economy approach to the management of e-waste and understanding international perspective on EPR and e-waste management & recycling.
The fourth session of the day will be moderated by Mr. Varun Boralkar, VP-Strategic Business Group, Blue Planet Environmental Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd to understand the viewpoint of industries that can utilize RDF and industries that are producing RDF, creating a viable market for RDF utilization as an alternative raw material for coal, understand the role of EPR, identify gaps and resolution expected from the stakeholders, and understand international perspective on RDF from MSW.
The last session of the conference will be chaired by Mr. Masood Mallick, CEO, Re Sustainability. The session would engage the key stakeholders in the solid waste management ecosystem such as Government authorities and waste management companies to discuss policies, schemes, major challenges of waste management companies & respective solutions, expectations from the Government, current & future opportunities in the sector and other important aspects to boost the sector.
The conference will also have speakers from Norway. The conference will also honor the industries, start-ups, and Municipal Corporations in 7 categories with the CII 3R Awards which play an essential role in setting benchmarks for the sectors to introduce or follow the best practices to reduce waste, recycle and reuse.
To attend the CII’s Waste to Worth conference as a delegate, you can register here for free: https://www.ciiwaste2worth.com/international-conference-2022.php
For more information on the CII Waste to worth conference, please contact sangeeta.karki@cii.in and gargi.sharma@cii.in