New Delhi-based Centre for Science and Environment and Down to Earth magazine have released their annual publication State of India’s Environment in Figures 2020 which reveals India’s dismal track record with solid waste management.
Below is an excerpt:
“The situation on ground is far from satisfactory with states still struggling to handle the waste of their cities. In the meanwhile, the Swachh Bharat Mission is aiming for converting waste into energy and better solid waste management in rural areas too. Even as disposal of biomedical waste was a challenge, COVID-19 added to the crisis. West Bengal is yet to follow CPCB guidelines on collection of biomedical waste of quarantined people.”
The Report presents the following SWM-related statistics:
- 147,613 tonnes of municipal waste is generated in the country every day
- 25% wards in India do not segregate waste at source.
- 40% municipal solid waste is dumped untreated
- A total of 17 states and UTs are performing worse than the India average
The Report also provides data on hazardous and biomedical waste. For more information, visit cseindia.org.