The Delhi administration is petitioning the Central government for Rs 1,755 crore to clear three landfill sites in Ghazipur, Okhla, and Bhalswa, which are administered by the East, South, and North Delhi Municipal Corporations, respectively.
According to civic officials, the city generates over 11,400 metric tonnes of waste, of which nearly 6,200 metric tonnes is dumped in the three landfills. If the Centre approves the proposal and provides the required funds, the three landfill sites will be cleared of the legacy waste in one and half years.
North Delhi, South Delhi, and East Delhi corporations have set timelines for closing garbage sites in their jurisdictions of June 2022, December 2023, and December 2024, respectively.
A proposal has been prepared under the Swachh Bharat Mission and will be sent to the Centre soon for its approval and release of funds, reports The Print.