The Government of India’s Department of Science & Technology (DST) has initiated a call for proposals under its Waste Management Technologies (WMT) Program.
Launched in 2015, in accordance with the Swachh Bharath Abhiyan, the program aims to promote the development of suitable technologies with the potential to ameliorate the environmental load from the huge amount of residuals generated by industrial development and consumption lifestyle.
The DST is inviting proposals for financial support in areas including treatment and possible reuse of fouled membranes, smart/AI system for operation and maintenance of waste treatment systems, management of sanitary landfill sites and leachate treatment (non-biological), and management of waste produced due to the increased installation of Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) systems in thermal power stations.
Proposals can be submitted online by scientists, engineers, technologists working in universities and other academic institutions, research and development institutions, laboratories with adequate infrastructure for research and development work.
The last date for the submission of bids is November 15, 2020.
Picture Credit: Victorgrigas, India Victor Grigas 2011-13, CC BY-SA 3.0