IFAT – India 2019 was held at Mumbai Exhibition Centre from October 16 – 18
IFAT India has officially announced that its annual Mumbai event scheduled from October 13 to 15, 2020 owing to the pandemic. Here is the message posted on its website:
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted global businesses, and the world is now in expectation of clear improvement and security to start regaining lost time and business. Messe Muenchen India is continually evaluating the current developments and following guidelines to safeguard the health and security of stakeholders, exhibitors, visitors and partners. In this background and due to the unforeseeable circumstances we arrived at the conclusion that it would be unreasonable and unsafe to hold IFAT India 2020 as scheduled from October 13 to 15, 2020.
A safe and successful IFAT India 2020 for all participants—that is our primary concern.
In order to provide all customers a reliable basis to plan their next activities and after close consultation with the industry and partner associations, we would like to inform you today about our decision to postpone the trade fair to safer and more realistic dates. We are monitoring the situation closely and are in close exchange with the authorities regarding health and security regulations and travel restrictions. As of now we expect to be able to communicate the new dates by end of July 2020 or beginning of August 2020 at the latest. We will of course keep you informed.
We thank you all for your understanding, your patience and your continuous support! If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.
We wish you, your families and partners all the best and good health!
Thank You
IFAT India Team
Picture Credit: IFAT