As The Hindu BusinessLine reports, the WtE project in Kochi, Kerala, seems to be progressing and is currently seeking investors for its completion. The WtE facility is located at Willingdon Island and will be equipped with gasification technology. The investments for the project have amounted to around USD 2.46 million up until now and the project will be developed in two consecutive phases. The first phase has already completed its trial run. The head of the project is Indian company Cochin Waste 2 Energy Company Pvt Ltd. At the moment, the firm is trying to find investors to fund the second phase of the project, which could reportedly be completed within 6 months. The plant has an intake capacity of 12,800 tpy of non-biodegradable waste.
Picture credit: Augustus Binu/ www.dreamsparrow.net/ facebook, Ernakulam Town Hall, CC BY-SA 3.0