Picture credit: by Biswarup Ganguly, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25629395
The Kolkata Municipal Corporation has decided to install yellow waste bins across the city for proper disposal of COVID waste.
The civic body has hired a private agency for the collection of bio-medical waste from households where COVID patients are generating such wastes. However, the agency workers are struggling since a lot of these households are mixing general waste with bio-medical waste.
According to norms, the private agency will collect such wastes from such bins and transport the same outside the city limits. Sources in the KMC health department informed The Times of India that the civic body will install 7,000 such yellow bins in phases.
Picture Credit: Biswarup Ganguly, Kolkata Municipal Corporation – Kolkata 2013-04-15 6065, CC BY 3.0