Legal Notice

ecoprog GmbH
Krefelder Str. 18
50670 Cologne
Tel. +49 221 788 03 88 0
Fax +49 221 788 03 88 10

Information on the provider (§ 6 German Teleservices Act)

ecoprog GmbH is a limited liability company based in Cologne. It is registered in the commercial register as HRB number 56660. The value added tax identification number according to § 27 a Value Added Tax Act is DE814576618.
Managing director is Mark Döing, Cologne.
Responsible for contents according to § 6 German Interstate Agreement on Media Services: Mark Döing
Responsible contact: Johannes Eich
Website design and production: CITRUS Design Studio

Please also note our details on the Extent of Liability, Copyright and Data Protection.