Picture credit: by Ropable, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=530271
The Ludhiana Municipal Corporation (MC) is expected to begin the process of disposing of approximately 25 lakh metric tonnes (MT) of legacy waste accumulated at its main dump site on the Tajpur road after facing the National Green Tribunal’s (NGT) wrath over poor solid waste management in the city.
The equipment for bioremediation of waste has reached the dump site, and work is anticipated to start in about a week after the MC awarded the contract to dispose of 5 lakh MT of waste in the first phase at a cost of about Rs 28 crore under the Smart City Mission.
A Maharashtra-based company has been given the project, and it would take 18 months to dispose of 5 lakh metric tonnes of rubbish, including the time needed for the machinery to be transported.
According to MC officials, the contractor will clear the site for the MC and dispose of all debris. It will be his duty to manage any materials removed from the site, such as building and demolition debris and refuse-derived fuel (RDF), reports Construction World.