Representational image by Ahmed akacha from Pexels
The Madurai Corporation is planning to build a construction and demolition waste processing plant at the Vellaikal dumping yard, which will be able to process 100 tonnes of waste per day. The estimated cost of the project is Rs 600 million, and the plant will be built through a public-private partnership (PPP) using the design-build-finance-operate-transfer (DBFOT) model.
In addition to the plant, four debris-collecting facilities will be built at Gatelock Road, Kochadai, Vellaikal, and Kochadai, reports Construction World.
At the Vellaikal processing center, waste that has been transported from collection points will be ground into sand for making paver blocks, and may also be used for filling landfills and constructing roadways within corporate boundaries.