Representational Photo by Katie Rodriguez on Unsplash
The Municipal Corporation of Delhi has stopped disposing of fresh municipal waste in the Okhla landfill ever since the Tehkhand Waste to Energy (WTE) plant began operations a couple of months ago.
Each day, the Tehkhand plant consumes about 1,200 tonnes of waste, allowing Okhla to transfer additional municipal solid waste (MSW) to Tehkhand. With the exception of silt and construction and demolition (C&D) waste placed to level the ground, the site has stopped accepting fresh waste.
The Tehkhand plant, which was inaugurated on October 20, eliminates around 2,000 tonnes of garbage each day. One boiler is operating at the plant currently and the second one will begin operations by the middle of January, reports The Times of India
MCD is also attempting to convert the Okhla composting facility into a CNG plant that can consume 300 tonnes of waste each day.