Picture for representational purpose only. Used with the kind permission of Standardkessel Baumgarte GmbH
In a written reply to the Rajya Sabha, Union Minister for Power and New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) Mr R.K Singh stated that the country has 249 waste-to-energy facilities, 819 biomass power plants, and 50.8 lakh small biogas plants to generate power, biogas, and biocNG.
Waste to Energy plants employ incineration to recover electricity from dry and combustible wastes such as municipal solid waste (MSW) with a calorific value of greater than 1500kCal/kg in order to generate energy from waste. The emission of pollutants resulting from the burning of MSW is also managed by the use of pollution control equipment, Flue Gas Treatment (FGT), and temperature regulation in a combustion chamber, the minister explained.
In addition, to monitor pollutants, the factory has Online Emission Monitoring Systems installed. As of February 28, 2022, 11 plants for electricity generation from municipal solid waste (MSW) had been built throughout the country, with a total installed capacity of 132.1 MW. These plants can handle roughly 11,000 tonnes of MSW per day in order to create electricity.