A new pilot project at the site of the Kempegowda International Airport (KIA), Bengaluru, for the treatment of MSW is planned to be installed, as The Strat Trade Times reported. The airport produces more than 6,400tpy of waste. Under the first project phase, the new plant at the airport should feature an intake capacity of 6,400tpy. The facility might later be extended to 19,200tpy. Ekolog Ltd, a Polish company, will be responsible for the construction of the plant and is expected to carry out the project on a DBOO (design-build-own-operate) basis. The facility is expected to open in January 2019. It remains uncertain what kind of technology the facility will use; however as around 8,000tpy of organic waste are announced to be processed and converted into biomethane we assume the facility to be an MBT facility.
Picture Credit: PageImp, Kempegowda-International-Airport-BLR, CC BY-SA 4.0