New study: Chandigarh focuses on waste segregation at source

Representational image by Terence Ong, CC BY 2.5,

The Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh has announced its plans for conducting a study on the current status of waste management across the city, with respect to waste segregation at source. The authority intends to reach the goal of 100% segregation at source, as reported by The Hindustan Times.

Measures to be undertaken include, amongst others, compiling information on how much segregated waste is being collected as of today in Chandigarh, as currently no exact figures are available on this matter. Once the shares are known, the MC could then start directing efforts on areas with less segregation at source.

The MC has started door-to-door waste collection in December 2020. As further reported, according to earlier estimations by MC officials, an about 60% share of the households provide segregated wet and dry waste.

As further indicated in the source, there are currently two material recovery facilities (MRFs) operational at the Industrial Area, and another plant is ‘planned by’ December 2021. These MRFs also provide for sorting recoverable dry waste into different categories, such as paper, cardboard, recyclable plastics, glass bottles and metal. Dry waste leftover from the process is then sent to a compost plant at Dadumajra.

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