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Nearly 2,380 kg of plastics waste has been removed from the Nilgiri Mountain Route (NMR) route, the Southern Railway (SR) has informed a division bench of the Madras High Court.
The petitioners, who include a group of activists, had demanded a directive to the Southern Railway for waste removal along the rail route, citing how plastic waste was hurting the forest and wildlife.
The Bench has asked SR what steps it has taken to prevent plastic debris from being dumped in the railway premises and route in The Nilgiris. The SR attorney then informed the court that passengers on the Nilgiris Mountain Railway train were not permitted to carry plastic water bottles. and water cans have been installed onboard.
The bench took the arguments under consideration and ordered the SR to produce a thorough report on the actions it has taken to eliminate plastics from the Nilgiri Mountain, reports DT Next.