In the run-up to the first anniversary of SBM 2.0 on October 2, 2022, the government is planning a series of events including a youth-focused event for waste-collection.
The Indian Swachhata League is an inter-city competition for youth toward building Garbage Free Cities. More than 1,800 cities from Leh to Kanniyakumari have already participated by setting up a team for their city and planning activities that will be undertaken on Seva Diwas, on the 17th of September.
Citizens across India are invited to search for their cities on MyGov and register to join their city teams in the Swachhata activities that have been planned. Volunteers can scan the QR code on the website to join the competition.
This year, on October 2, the Centre plans to announce its renewed focus on source segregation, which remains the weakest link in India’s waste management sector.