Tag: plastic pollution

Involving citizens to combat plastic pollution

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Guidelines detailed in Plastic Waste Management Rules 2022 provide a comprehensive mechanism to hold plastic producers and manufacturers responsible for managing post-consumer plastic waste Consumer responsibility should be given more attention…

Nations commit to develop a legally binding agreement to fight plastic pollution

Nations commit to develop a legally binding agreement to fight plastic pollution

Heads of State, Ministers of environment and other representatives from 175 nations endorsed a historic resolution at the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) on March 2 in Nairobi to End Plastic Pollution and forge an international legally binding…

“India is committed to address plastic pollution”

“India is committed to address plastic pollution”

India has said that it is dedicated to addressing plastic pollution to lessen its negative impact on terrestrial and marine ecosystems, as well as the wellbeing of its people. Speaking at the United Nations Environment…

DPCC to ban plastic waste entering Delhi from other states

DPCC to ban plastic waste entering Delhi from other states

The Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) has announced it will soon ban plastic waste entering corporation limits from other states. Vehicles carrying such waste will be stopped at toll booths. The DPCC plans to send…