Following an overwhelming response to its COVID-19 Waste Management Factsheets, the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) has released the Factsheets in Hindi. It is also preparing to release the Factsheets in other local languages.
The series of nine factsheets provide practical solutions – both immediate and long term – to deal with COVID-19 waste in a sustainable, efficient manner, on the following topics:
Factsheet 1 – Introduction to COVID-19 waste management:
Factsheet 2 – National medical waste capacity assessment
Factsheet 3 – How to choose your waste management technology to treat COVID-19 waste
Factsheet 4 – Policy and legislation linked to COVID-19 pandemics
Factsheet 5 – Links to circularity – Non-healthcare waste
Factsheet 6 – Linkages of Air quality and COVID-19
Factsheet 7 – Household medical waste management strategies
Factsheet 8 – Disaster and conflict
Factsheet 9 – COVID-19, wastewater, and sanitation: