From February 1 to March 31, all urban local bodies in Uttar Pradesh have been asked to work on the 3Ps strategy – pray, persuade, penalize – to enforce doorstep segregation of dry and wet waste. The formula will be implemented in three stages across the state’s towns.
Households that do not segregate their waste will be penalized.
The first phase of the dastak or door-to-door campaign will run from February 1 to 15. It will focus on raising awareness by disseminating information, education, and communication about the importance of waste segregation at source.
In the second phase, from February 16 to March 3, the population found lacking will be persuaded with the help of volunteers from NGOs, civil society, school students, and local leaders.
Municipal officers will be asked to begin penalizing offenders in the third phase, from March 4 to 31.
The fine will range between Rs 100 and Rs 1,000, with higher penalties for subsequent violations, reports The Times of India.