According to the Telegraph India, a Delhi-based private company has shown interest in establishing a waste-to-energy plant in the city of Patna. The company named AG Dauters Waste Processing Pvt Ltd proposed to convert 700 tpd of solid waste. The company stated that it would provide the investment of EUR 300 million (INR 24 billion) for the project through international investors. As reported earlier, a US agency has also proposed setting up a WtE facility in the city. However, the Patna Municipal Corporation (PMC) reported that an open tender would still be launched in order to select the company that would set up the waste processing plant. PMC had terminated a previous contract with a company that was supposed to install an 11.5 MWel facility at Ramchak Bairia village as the project did not proceed.
Picture Credit: Eugene Kim from San Francisco, USA, Maurya Lok Patna, CC BY 2.0