According to the Times of India, the AD plant at the Vellalore landfill in Tamil Nadu should be increased. An existing 100 tpd vermicompost plant should also be expanded by another 100 tpd. Additionally, according to local media reports, the announced RDF plant, which should be constructed at the Vellalore landfill, is planned to have a treatment capacity of 600 tpd. Furthermore, Switzerland-based NGO International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) conducted a study on the landfill and possibilities for technological improvements of the latter. ICLEI is expected to present its findings and suggestions in June 2018. The source does not tell about how much the AD plant shall be increased.
Picture credit: Jayabharat, Vellalore Karivaratharaja Perumal Temple Gopuram, CC BY-SA 3.0