Picture Credit: Ecoprog
The ground breaking ceremony for Ahmedabad’s second Waste to Energy (WTE) plant will be held today. Being built by JITF Urban Infrastructure Limited (JUIL), a part of the New Delhi-based OP Jindal Group, this 15MW plant is located in Shahwadi village, adjacent to the Pirana sewage treatment plant.
This is Ahmedabad’s second WtE project. The first plant is operated by Abellon Clean Energy Limited.
In a recent interview to SolidWasteIndia, Ahmedabad Municipal Commissioner Mr Mukesh Kumar had shared that the city was coming up with two WtE plants with a total capacity of 2000 TPD waste. “Work has already been awarded for these. These plants will generate total 28 MW electricity, out of which one plant will start operations in 2022,” Mr Kumar had said.