Approval for recycling plant project

Chief minister of India has approved INR 20 million (EUR 280,000) for the construction of an recycling plant in Kohat. About EUR 1.692.579 (RS 120 million) are scheduled for the whole plant, according to Dawn. Constructions started in 2015 but due to nonpayment of oil and gas royalty of Kohat the work has stopped. The completion would depend on provision of funds. About INR 100 million (EUR 1.4 million) are needed for machinery and technologies. The area for the plant was purchased in 2014 without permission and caused problems before constructions could start. A date for the end of constructions is not scheduled yet.

Picture credit: Ghazala.andaleeb, Ghamkol Shareef Kohat, KPK Pakistan, CC BY-SA 4.0

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