According to Clean Technica, the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) has invested CAD 247 million (EUR 158 million) in ReNew Power Company to support it in the acquisition of a renewable energy firm Ostro Energy. CPPIB had earlier acquired an unknown equity share in ReNew Power Company with an investment of CAD 144 million (EUR 92 million) in January 2018. As earlier reported, ReNew Power Company committed to invest CAD 2.15 billion (EUR 1.38 billion) in the state of Maharashtra to develop solar, wind and Waste-to-Energy projects and also plans to invest CAD 1.84 billion (EUR 1.18 billion) in the state of Uttar Pradesh to set up 1 GW of solar power and 200 MWel of WtE power plants.
Picuture Credit: seal of Maharashtra, public domain