The Goa Waste Management Corporation (GWMC) has invited bids for setting up a solid waste processing facility at Bainguinim with a processing capacity of 250 tonnes per day.
The plant, estimated to cost Rs 200 crore, is expected to cater to entire Tiswadi taluka.
The corporation has invited a request for qualification (RFQ) for the proposed plant. Bids must be submitted before November 9.
GWMC has decided to undertake the project through public private partnership (PPP) on a design-build-finance-operate-transfer (DBFOT) basis, wherein the plant infrastructure will be implemented by the concessionaire along with operations and maintenance for a period of ten years. The plant will include recycling and sorting lines, segregation, bio-methanation and composting system, reports The Times of India.
Picture Credit: Ecoprog.com