Kerala to modernize SWM treatment plants

The Kerala local self-government department (LSGD) plans to modernize 53 dumpsites in Kerala, including the one at Brahmapuram.

The department has already reclaimed roughly 45 acres of land by clearing 22 dumpsites. According to officials, it expects to regain approximately 165 acres by 2026.

The National Green Tribunal’s directive serves as the foundation for the LSGD’s objective to make the state garbage-free (NGT).

“We’ve separated the yards into three groups. Almost 2.66 lakh cubic meters of waste has already been handled. There are currently eight locations where this is happening. We will gradually clean up additional 24 sites. We will reclaim 165 acres of land if everything goes according to plan, according to Jyothis Chandran, director of the LSGD’s solid waste management project.

The government has reportedly allocated Rs 500 crore for the project. It has also started taking action to get additional central assistance.

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