Representational Image by Aafrin Kidwai
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) conducted a high-level meeting to discuss the progress made in the cleanup of the three legacy dumpsites in Delhi’s Okhla, Ghazipur, and Bhalswa.
It was emphasized that the key to attracting private sector participation in this sector was robust source segregation which would enable subsequent processing of waste. All MCDs were urged to step up their efforts to segregate their waste at source. It was further decided that MCDs and DDA would jointly discuss and settle all land related issues in order to facilitate the remediation process. DDA was also requested to explore opportunities to use less than 6 mm fractions of inerts as soil enricher in their horticulture and bio-diversity parks, to the extent feasible.
In terms of funding issues pertaining to remediation, it was decided that Government of Delhi would explore possibilities for considering the Green Cess Funds for transportation of excavated legacy waste, since dumpsite remediation would contribute to reduction of air pollution in Delhi. The MCDs were requested to undertake detailed analysis for optimizing process costs for dumpsite remediation with strong project monitoring measures. It was also decided that MoHUA would deploy an independent agency to study the monitoring mechanisms carried out in cities including at Delhi and share the best practices of incorporating high quality monitoring at sites.
As an immediate follow-up, Govt of Delhi was requested to disburse the Central share of funds released by MoHUA to all MCDs, after adding the requisite UT share to the funds. MCDs were further requested to prepare detailed proposals for managing the fresh waste being generated daily and send the proposals to MoHUA with due approval of State Govt, so as to ensure that no additional dumpsites are created.
MoHUA has already sanctioned projects worth Rs 4,152 crores to clean up 963 lakh metric tonnes of legacy dumpsites covering over 5,700 acres in 600 urban local bodies across 14 states and union territories. The allocated budget includes projects worth 776 crores to remediate 253 lakh metric tonnes across 186 acres in three Delhi MCDs. The first instalments of Central assistance totaling Rs 529 crores have already been released to States/UTs, with 174 crores going to the Delhi government. State/UT governments must put in a matching share from their own side when disbursing monies to respective ULBs, according to financial criteria of Centrally sponsored Schemes.
Disclaimer: This article is taken from a press release issued by MoHUA via PIB.