As part of its Azadi@75 Swacch Survekshan Toolkit, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has reiterated a few interventions which the ULBs can implement to promote waste segregation at the source. These include:
- Ensure that provisions for setting up of centers for collection, segregation, and storage of segregated wastes, are incorporated in the building plan while granting approval of the building plan of a group housing society or market complex (as per SWM Rules 2016)
- Awareness drives regarding waste segregation in households/ premises
- DistributionoftwobinsshouldNOTbeapre-conditionforinitiatingsourcesegregationinthecity
- All waste pickers should be trained to collect dry and wet waste separately
- All waste collection & transportation vehicles to be compartmentalized/ separate vehicles to be deployed to ensure collection and transportation of segregated waste/ separate days are fixed for collection of dry and wet waste
- Data regarding the amount of segregated waste collected and transported to be recorded daily
- Ensure that segregation is maintained across the SWM chain, i.e. collection, transportation, and processing (waste should not be mixed at any stage)
- In case doorto-door collection is outsourced to an agency, ULB should penalize the agency for the collection of unsegregated waste
- Introduceincentiveschemesforonsitecompostingbyhouseholds/premises
- Citymayaskhouseholdstofurthersegregatedrywaste(paper, plastic,etc.)at the household level before handing to ULB/collection agency