Plans for new waste-to-hydrogen pilot facility in Pune

Picture credit: Alex Marshall 2004, Clarke Energy Ltd, Mixed municipal waste, CC BY-SA 2.5

The company GreenBillions (TGBL) will partner with Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) to set up a demonstration plant for the conversion of biomass and MSW into hydrogen.

The plant will be operated by TGBL’s wholly-owned subsidiary Variate Pune Waste-to-Energy (VPWTEPL). The plant will reportedly be capable of converting 350 tpd of MSW from Pune to generate hydrogen for a period of 30 years.

As further indicated in Construction World, RDF extracted from the waste is planned to be subsequently used to produce hydrogen, using plasma gasification technology. The waste input will comprise biodegradable, non-biodegradable as well as domestic hazardous waste. It will be segregated at the TGBL’s facility in Pune by using optical sensor technology.

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