Picture Credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=380588
Pune-based SWaCH has released a new report profiling waste generation and recovery by waste pickers in the city.
Waste from 70% of Pune’s households is collected by the waste pickers of SWaCH, within the framework of a unique pro-poor public-private partnership with the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC). As per the terms of the agreement, waste pickers retain the right to recover and sell any recyclable materials from the waste they collect. The remaining waste, comprising non-recyclable dry waste and wet waste, is transferred to the PMC’s motorized, secondary waste collection system.
The study revealed the following:
- Pune’s average per capita household waste generation is 0.238 kilograms per day (0.953 kg per household).
- Wet waste constitutes 76% of household waste.
- Paper (7.9%) and plastic (7.5%) are the most abundant dry waste materials.
- The quantum of waste increases significantly with an increase in income. Middle-income and high-income individuals generate twice and thrice respectively, as much as slum dwellers.
- Characterization remains similar across income groups. The proportion of wet waste ranges between 76-77%. Paper (25-35%) and Plastic (30-32%) are consistently the most abundant types of dry waste across income groups, followed by sanitary waste (11-14%).
The study, supported by the Pew Charitable Trusts and Plastic Solutions Fund, is available here.