Remediation of Goa’s Sonsoddo garbage dump to start soon

Goa’s Minister for Waste Management Michael Lobo recently inspected the Sonsoddo garbage dump and met with the Margao Municipal Council (MMC) to discuss the remediation of the waste.

Mr Lobo said two bioremediation machines would be placed at Sonsoddo on December 1 and four more machines later, as soon as suitable land is identified. Around 5,000 square meter area will be required to start the process of bioremediation of the old dump.

The Minister also told The Navhind Times that the treated product from the bioremediation would be used as landfill and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) including plastics, shoes and clothes would be sent to cement factories.

Picture Credit: D’Arcy Norman, Jardim Gramacho, CC BY 2.0

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