Picture credit: by Biswarup Ganguly, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25629395
Segregation of waste at source and replacement of old garbage trucks will improve efficiency of garbage transportation, integrated waste management expert, Professor Brajesh Kumar Dubey of IIT Kharagpur has said.
After an analysis of the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generated in Kolkata, Professor Dubey said that nearly half of the 4,500 tonnes of the waste is organic and can be used to create compost. Speaking to The Times of India, he said that Kolkata generates 35 per cent residential waste. Of the domestic waste generated, 45.1 per cent comprises of fruit and vegetable waste and 8.8 paper waste. Waste from market contains 32.4 per cent leaves, hay and straw and 25.7 per cent fruit and vegetable waste. According to Dubey’s analysis, commercial markets generate nearly 51 per cent recyclable waste and comprise nearly 36 per cent of the waste generated by the city.
Dr Dubey reiterated that segregation of domestic waste at the source will reduce pressure on the city’s landfill. He also suggested overhauling and modernising the garbage transportation fleet will increase the efficiency of the city’s garbage management system. The transportation cost currently stands at nearly 30 per cent of the allocation for MSW collection and disposal.
Picture Credit: Biswarup Ganguly, Kolkata Municipal Corporation – Kolkata 2013-04-15 6065, CC BY 3.0