Representational Image by Philippe Spitalier on Unsplash
SMS Envoclean has been given a notice by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) to modernize its Deonar biomedical waste treatment facility in order to stop environmental pollution. In the event of non-compliance, the MPCB has threatened legal action.
Residents are protesting the plant and demanding that it be moved from Mumbai to Khalapur.
Every day, the Deonar landfill processes about 2,500 tonnes of garbage. The BMC and the MPCB have allowed SMS Envoclean’s plant, which is a few kilometers away, to handle biomedical waste since 2009.
In 2020, MPCB asked the plant to upgrade its scrubber technology and reduce the black shoot emitted from its chimney MPCB requested that the facility update its scrubber system and lessen the amount of black smoke that was released from its chimney after burning the medical waste in 2020. MPCB has instructed the plant to process only 50% of its total capacity of biomedical waste and send the remaining 50% to a facility in Taloja in order to partially remedy the issue. However, locals have claimed that recent MPCB directives to the factory in response to complaints demonstrate that Envoclean’s pollution control system was either not running correctly or they were not using it continuously. Envoclean Plant has been instructed to produce a second Rs 2 lakh bank guarantee within 10 days in order to comply with MPCB directives, reports MidDay.