Tag: AMC

“No Time to Waste” : SWI mobilizes top public and private sector leaders for SWM action

“No Time to Waste” : SWI mobilizes top public and private sector leaders for SWM action

SolidWasteIndia, in partnership with Theistic Business Consultants, is organizing a series of regional virtual roundtables with key public and private sector leaders to discuss some of the biggest challenges – and solutions to India’s waste…

Waste to Energy
Update on Ahmedabad WtE plans

Update on Ahmedabad WtE plans

According to The Times of India, two firms have supposedly signed contracts with the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) to process municipal waste and produce energy from it. The said companies are Abellon Clean Energy and…

Aurangabad considers WtE solutions

According to The Times of India, The Aurangabad Municipal Corporation (AMC), Maharashtra, is looking into implementing a WtE process to improve the city’s waste management. However, this seems a long-term goal, as AMC plans improve…