New details on Shahanshahpur AD plant

Picture credit: by Vijayakumarblathur, CC BY-SA 4.0,

An update has been published on the AD plant in Shahanshahpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, which has been in operation since 2021. The plant’s processing rate was reportedly increased from 55 tpd of cow manure to 90 tpd of cow manure, which gets delivered to the plant from local farms.

The facility was constructed to treat additional 30 tpd of napier grass and 20 tpd of waste from sugar factories, but due to a shortage of these residues, the plant is not running at full capacity and is producing 1,100 kg of CBG instead of 3,000 kg of CBG. The produced biogas is sold to GAIL India.

According to earlier information, the plant is operated by Govardhan Varanasi Foundation SPV.

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