Picture credit: by Derzno, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30665866
The subcommittee of an Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) from the Centre has discovered anomalies in the environmental permissions granted by several authorities for the solid waste management plant at Jhuriwala village, Panchkula.
According to the EAC’s report, which was presented to the EAC-2’s full committee, the location was unsuitable for the construction of a solid waste management plant by the Center’s standards. The committee has noted that it will not be appropriate to establish a solid waste management site and a plant in a natural forest next to a wildlife sanctuary given the significance of environmental protection. Additionally, there are natural water channels in the area that come from a neighbouring undulating watershed.
The committee stated that a prompt examination was required because there appeared to be anomalies in the prior forest clearance granted.
Environmental laws, Swachh Bharat Mission rules, and the Municipal Solid Waste Manual are reportedly being broken. Finding a suitable location for a solid waste management plant that can be located using a cluster strategy will be in the best interest of things, the committee noted, reports The Tribune.