Sheeshambada RDF project against NGT guidelines

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The proposed RDF project in Sheeshambada in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, is reportedly inconsistent with the guidelines of the National Green Tribunal (NGT).

As further stated in the source, plant developer RE Sustainability (RE), former Ramky Enviro, put pressure on the Municipal Corporation of Dehradun, seeking to receive the necessary permit.

In February 2020, it was reported that RE sent a proposal to the State Urban Development Department. The proposed plant should incinerate RDF produced by a waste management and recycling plant in Sheeshambada. Back in 2020, plans provided for a possible commissioning within 2 years.

In August 2022, RE issued a notice to the MCD that it will discontinue its sanitation projects in Dehradun after 31 August 2022, stating “less and less” as well as irregular payments from MCD. Reportedly, bot the MCD and RE accuse each other on alleged breach of agreements under the contract.

As further announced in the current source, RE will be relieved from its duties on 30 October 2022. RE currently operates the solid waste management and recycling plant in Sheeshambada and also is in charge of (door-to-door) waste collection in 69 wards.

As also reported by SolidWasteIndia in September 2022, a tender seeking a new plant operator, replacing RE, was due to open on 13 September 2022.

The tender was floated by the MCD, seeking preferably a local company (or even two companies to manage collection and plant operation).

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